Welcome to Your Job Search Journey

If you can dream it, you can do it! Dreaming about a new possibility and believing you can do it is an essential first step. Focus on making sure that you get your narrative crystal clear and all the information is relevant to the position.

Here are some inspirational quotes for you.

#JobSearch #CareerTips #DreamJob #JobHunt
This helped me land my dream job after 3 months of searching! 🙌
2 days ago
The LinkedIn tips are gold! Got 5 interviews after optimizing my profile!
5 days ago

Key Job Search Tips

From my experience:

  • It can take around 3-6 months to find a job (even while having a job).
  • It can take around 10 interviews to land a job. Don't despair!
  • Send a thank-you email after receiving a rejection—builds good karma.
  • Best recruitment times: Jan-April and Sep-Dec. Many jobs start in May and October.
  • Recruiters are agile! Some will actually read your portfolio / your whole profile and ask you questions about it.
  • More and more jobs require knowledge of the country's language, so learning the language is worthwhile.
#JobSearchReality #CareerAdvice #JobHuntTips

Tips and Tricks

  • Update your portfolio / website / LinkedIn / socials.
  • Create LinkedIn job alerts if using LinkedIn (or job alerts in any other platform).
  • Verify LinkedIn profile – boosts your profile, gets more views, and maybe messages from recruiters.
  • Reach out to your network / friend recruiters.
  • Browse for jobs directly on the company's website if you see a certain company is actively hiring at the moment (even if not for related jobs).
  • Don't feel scared by the requirements. If you feel it's a match, just apply.
  • It is worth writing a motivation letter for the jobs you really want!
  • Recommended for when you get the offer: Use the app KopieID to send personal information with watermarks.
#JobSearchHacks #CareerTips #JobApplications
The tip about not being scared of requirements changed my job search! I landed a senior role with just 3 years of experience 🔥
1 day ago

Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

#LinkedInTips #ProfileOptimization #PersonalBranding

Practical Interview Tips

  • Be yourself.
  • Prepare your "tell me about yourself" response with 5 main points: name, where you're from, education, current role, ambitions. This will give opportunity to recruiters to ask more questions.
  • Mention something interesting you've read about the industry.
  • If you are interviewing for a specific product, familiarize yourself with it.
  • Prepare solid answers as to why you would fit this position. Make sure to name transferable skills from other experiences and positions.
  • If you don't know something, be honest about it.
  • Keep pen and paper handy.
  • In-Person: Accept water or a drink when offered—it helps relax and keeps you refreshed.
  • At home: Create a comfortable interview setup.
  • At home: Treat the interview as a face to face interview and prepare the same way.
#InterviewTips #JobInterview #CareerAdvice

FAQ by Recruiters

  • So, tell me about yourself. Reply with Past, Present, Future (or Education/past, Current job/present, Ambitions/future, and hobbies).
  • Formula: Accomplished X by doing X measured by X.
  • Why are you applying to this role?
  • Why do you want to work in (country)?
  • What do you do in your current role?
  • This job will involve traveling, are you comfortable with it?
  • What are you looking for in a new job?
  • Why do you want to work here? Company mission + goals + intersection.
  • What is one lesson you learned?
  • What is your greatest weakness? Answer: my greatest challenge is to have a high-level view...
  • Why should we hire you? Combine hard skills, soft skills, and a funny thing.
  • Why did you leave your job? Not challenging enough / didn't match expectations – don't mention that you didn't like the manager or the environment was toxic (even if true).
  • What is a time you failed / showed leadership / achieved a goal?
#InterviewQuestions #RecruiterTips #JobPrep

Things to Ask in an Interview

  • Salary (is it including or excluding holiday pay?)
  • How many hours per week?
  • Expected start date?
  • How many people are you hiring for this role?
  • Is this a new role?
  • Why are you hiring for this role?
  • How big is the team?
  • What's a day-to-day like?
  • What are the opportunities for growth?
  • What does a day look like in this role?
  • What are the expectations for this role?
  • What tools do you use?
  • If I would start today, what would be my first priority?
  • If any news, how has that impacted the business?
  • What are the next steps in the recruitment process?
  • Why is this vacancy open?
  • If you have holidays already booked: I have pre-planned holidays, just wanted to let you know as earliest as possible.
#AskTheInterviewer #JobInterview #CareerQuestions

Final Tips

  • Update your portfolio, website, LinkedIn, and socials regularly.
  • Don't be scared by the requirements—apply if you feel it's a good match.
  • It's worth writing a motivation letter for jobs you really want.
  • Upload your CV to JobLeads for a free CV review.
#JobTips #CareerAdvice #JobApplications

After Landing the Job

  • Ensure a Smooth Start: Confirm your start date, schedule, and necessary paperwork (e.g., contract, ID verification).
  • Set Up Your Work Environment: If working remotely or in-office, ensure you have the necessary equipment, tools, and software access.
  • Understand Company Policies: Familiarize yourself with policies like holidays, sick leave, overtime, and benefits.
  • Clarify Your Goals: Discuss with your manager what success looks like in the first 30, 60, and 90 days.
  • Build Relationships: Make an effort to connect with your team and key stakeholders in the organization. Add your colleagues on LinkedIn.
  • Learn and Adapt: Take time to learn about the company culture, processes, and expectations. Stay open-minded and proactive.
  • Organize Your Finances: Check your salary structure, tax deductions, and any potential relocation benefits.
  • Take Notes: Document your responsibilities, expectations, and any useful feedback to track your progress.
  • Stay Curious: Ask questions when in doubt and seek opportunities to learn and contribute.
  • Document Your Work: Start documenting your processes, learnings, and tasks early—it will help you stay organized and assist others in the future.
  • Use a Password Manager: Use a reliable password manager to securely manage the numerous passwords and accesses you'll need for various tools and systems.
#NewJob #FirstDay #CareerAdvice #WorkTips